Editor voyages to Bombay to finally face his demons.
Following a gap of almost a month, I write with the bittersweet news that this will be my last article from London this month; I leave for Bombay tomorrow to have surgery to treat a longstanding knee injury. I am in the capable hands of Dr. Anant Joshi, consultant to the Indian cricket team, so God willing everything will go well and he will show me the same meticulousness and diligence that he shows Tendulkar and Ganguly. I will no doubt be shit bored sitting in a hospital bed for four days in Bombay as I recover, so I may yet write another article from there. Until then, loves to all the family, and again I urge you to please start writing articles to keep this family website alive! Main culprits: Nitin & Sapna, who have just had a baby so have plenty of news to write about; Lavish, who has been promising to write an article for about three months; and Divya Samtani, who has made similar promises. As long as Wadhwani, Samtani and Kirpalani (am I missing anyone else out?) family members continue to promise to write and then fail to deliver, my public name-and-shame regime will continue.
Love, Gaurav