TrendReport: ManBags
Vikki Wadhwani
As the more fashion-forward of you will no doubt be aware, recent seasons have seen the advent of the "ManBag." This is, as the name suggests, a convenient yet thoroughly macho way for any man to tow around his wallet, shades, etc. Companies such as Louis Vuitton and Gucci offer fabulous versions of this boyish-baggage - our very own Girish has long been an advocate of the ManBag (LV naturally, putu!) so therefore it MUST be alright; no Wadhwani man would ever be seen looking girlish!
Everybody knows that these days Asia is the harbinger of many of the latest trends, and we see below our beloved Rahul (China returned), son of Yashna & Mohit, toting around the very latest in kiddie (and male)-fashion. Okay, so he borrowed this particular model from his equally trendy cousin Henna, but we here at WadhwaniWorld think he carries it well...Wouldn't you agree???
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